Archives for posts with tag: chronicles of

Apologies for the brief (or not-so-brief) intermission I took over the past few days. My laziness, induced  by the weak (almost non-existent) Wi-Fi, just wouldn’t allow me to post; but I think I’ve put it in check. I’m on it.

Get Lifted It

T.H.C.: The Herbal Collection (clever, eh?)

Marijuana Music vol. 1

Do ya’ll have that friend who’s always in charge of the musical selection no matter the event (parties, riding in the car, chillin’, etc..)? Well for a lot of people, that friend is me. I am keen on creating playlists and whatnot; thus, I decided to sort through my extensive and ever-growing iTunes library to bring you guys a random compilation of cannabis inspired music. Being that the herb plays a significant role in my daily activities, I decided to make this first mix strictly Reggae. Light a spliff and take flight…

*Working on my graphics game. It was either a slightly illegible font/color on the back cover, or my MacBook being smashed to smithereens. Nevertheless, I’m pleased with the way it came out. I might start regularly posting different mixes depending on the response to this one. I hope you all enjoy the compilation. Comment please! You’re feedback is greatly appreciated!!

Everyday is 4/20,


As aforementioned, FUCK BLOGGER. For the third time, 808’s and Cupcakes has been shut down (losing all of my lovely posts in the process). Fortunately, I’m one tough cookie cupcake, and I’ve finally made that move to WordPress (where, hopefully, the grass is greener). Nevertheless, I’ll be trying out several new techniques to enhance my blog’s appearance, better my writing, and frequent my posting, among other things to keep 808’s and Cupcakes just as awesome as when it first started! Let’s get it….